March 03, 2008

Muted welcome for Russia leader
Russia has 'elected' a new president, Dmitry Medvedev, to replace former president Vladimir Putin, as he served the maximum two terms as president. Medvedev won by a landslide, gatherin over 70% of the popular vote. Putin will be acting as Prime Minister now, but many believe he will be very influential over his close friend Medvedev.

Obama and Clinton neck and neck in Ohio, Texas

February 28, 2008

Bloomberg won’t run for president
Not really news, but MSNBC apparently thinks so. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's name had been thrown around for a while, as he was considering running as an independent candidate for president. But now that the top nominees have become clear, there is no place for another mostly liberal candidate. Being the successful business man that he is, I'm sure he doesn't want to waste millions of his own dollars to fund a dead campaign.

McCain, Obama in heated exchange over Iraq
The two candidates argued about the presence of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

February 26, 2008

The Buckeye Battle
Tonight's debate at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama didn't have very many exciting moments, and was rather slow. There were a select few issues addressed by the two candidates. These included health care, NAFTA, and foreign policy. Throughout the debate, there was a tone of negativity from Senator Clinton not only toward Senator Obama, but also to the moderators of the debate. She complained about having to address a question first, rather than having the rebuttle opportunity. She even asks if they can get pillows so Senator Obama can be made more comfortable. It may have been an attempt at humor, but it made her appear resentful toward Obama and somewhat showed a loss of her temper.

The two candidates made it their point to hammer on the issue of universal health care, each critisizing the others'. During their debating, they each keep proclaiming that this is the most important issue in the upcoming election, which is absolutely absurd. With an economy heading toward a recession, and a budget deficit growing larger with increased spending every year, the liberals tell us we need MORE government spending. This just doesn't make sense, during this whole debate on health care nobody ever took the liberty to explain to anyone where these billions of dollars for universal health care are coming from, maybe from our own pockets?

Another topic that was brought up was the fact that Hillary Clinton wouldn't make her income tax forms viewable by the public. This usually isn't a big issue, except in her case, she lendt $5 million of her own money to her campaign. If she is getting illigitmate sources of income from false "employers" this could turn into a decent scandal. When something comes out of this, remember I said it first.

They also addressed the fact that Louis Farahkan endorsed Obama this week was brought up as well. Tim Russert and Senator Clinton practically forced Obama to denounce this endorsement as Farahkan is an outward racist and anti-semite.

I will write more about the debate later, as I am tired right now.

February 25, 2008

City of Vallejo, CA Near Bankruptcy
City officials declared that the city will run out of money by April of this year. The city is searching for options to prevent bankruptcy, specifically by restructuring union contracts for city employees.

Barack Obama in a Turban
Has really nothing to do with anything, but still is a funny picture from a visit to Kenya two years ago.

Ralph Nader Enters Presidential Race
Once again Ralph Nader will hopelessly be running for president, much to the dislike of the Democratic candidates, as he will be another socialist on the ballot.

February 21, 2008

U.S. senators forced to make emergency landing in Afghanistan
John Kerry's helicopter was forced to land while touring Afghanistan, too bad those troops aren't better with their RPG's, probably could have got him.

N.Y. Times' McCain story looks shoddy
After the New York times published the article claiming there was a relationship between Senator John McCain and a female lobbyist, there have been no facts brought forth by the paper. Both McCain and the accused lobbyist stated there was no inappropriate conduct, and the NY Times has been unable to produce any information to support its article.

Violence erupts on Kosovo-Serbia border
After Kosovo declares independence, Serbian troops attack police, and the US embassy in Belgrade is stormed in response to the United State's support of Kosovo.
Video Link

Candidates release January fundraising details
Hillary ends the month up only 1.5 Million, while Obama ends with more than ten times that sum. Each candidate spending 1 Million each day.

McCain:'It's Not True'
John McCain denies a New York Times article alleging an inappropriate relationship with a female lobbyist.

Navy Scores Direct Hit on Satellite
Navy shoots down spy satellite filled with 1,000 pounds of noxious gas.

Does Michelle Obama Dislike America?
Michelle Obama states at rally on Tuesday, "Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country..."

Watch the Ever-Growing Obama Spend-0-Meter!!! How High Can it Go!?!?!?!

Candidates on the Issues-

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